PP Gives PSOE Barcelona Mayoralty: “The Trenches And Blocs Are Over” Nuñez Feijóo 2023

Alberto Núñez Feijóo showed his geographical authority yesterday, Sunday, in Madrid’s Retiro Park, joined by all his party barons, those who govern and those who will govern in a few days, as an example of what may happen on 23 July in a general election.

Núñez Feijóo used the gathering to support the PP’s local council and autonomous community agreements. Those achieved between Vox and the PSOE to allow the Socialists to rule Vitoria and Barcelona.

“No more trenches, blocs, and gangs,” he said of the PP’s “state policy” and its goal. The PP feels it has shown that others may agree with everyone by voting for the Socialists to rule in Vitoria and Barcelona.

They say they won’t accept “moralising” from “those who have made Spain hostage to those who want to break territorial unity,” especially after the PSOE gave the mayor’s office in Santiago de Compostela, where the PP had won, “to a pro-sovereignty party,” the BNG.

“We have done our duty” by providing the mayoralty to the socialist candidate in Barcelona, Feijóo said. “It has been a state policy,” he says, but “the party of Sanchismo would never have supported us to give us the mayoralty of Barcelona, in the same situation”.

The PP has been able to “begin to break up the blocs,” according to Muñez Feijóo, who opposes bloc politics and wants “to a majority to break it up”. A majority to “renew the spirit of concord” and restore Spain to “truth and plurality”.

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