Political Parties Denounce Anantnag Civilian Killing 2023

Deepu, a circus performer, was fatally shot by two unidentified individuals in the Anantnag district of southern Kashmir on Monday night.

Deepu, a resident of Udhampur, was on his way to a nearby market to purchase milk at 8:30 p.m. when two men on motorcycles shot him at close range near the Jaglaat Mandi in Anantnag.

According to the police, he was performing at a private circus mela in the district’s amusement park.

The murder drew widespread condemnation from all sectors of society, particularly the political class.

Mehbooba Mufti, president of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, condemned the slaying and stated that the Indian government’s policies in J&K have been a total failure.

“Extremely distressed by yet another attack on a civilian in Anantnag. Deepu supported himself by working at a theme park. My condolences go out to his family in their time of sorrow. This speaks volumes about the failure of the Indian government’s policy in J&K.

Another targeted killing in Jammu and Kashmir distressed National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah.

On his Twitter account, Omar wrote, “Pained by the news of yet another civilian targeted attack in the Anantnag region of South Kashmir. The murder of Deepak, who worked with a traveling circus to earn a livelihood, is a heinous act, and I condemn this act of terrorism unequivocally. He said, “May Deepak’s soul rest in peace.”

Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) Ghulam Nabi Azad condemned the heinous deed of terrorists in Anantnag murdering Deepu of Udhampur, a civilian, as a crime against humanity. Terrorism is a threat that must be combated collectively. It is a curse against humanity,” wrote Azad on his Twitter account.

In a tweet, Peoples Confrence (PC) Chairman Sajad Gani Lone condemned the murder of the circus employee.

“The murder of Deepu in Anantnag by terrorists is yet another instance of barbarism. How could the death of a civilian possibly benefit anyone? Deepu came to this city in quest of a living for himself and his family. “And may Allah burn those who murdered him in hell,” Sajad said.

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