Xiaomi charges are dirty politics 2023

The National Corruption Prevention Agency of Ukraine has labeled the Chinese tech company Xiaomi a “war sponsor” for the simple reason that Xiaomi has continued to conduct business in Russia since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis. According to the agency, the company “was able to increase shipments to the Russian Federation by 39 percent during the third quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter.”

Xiaomi Corp responded that it strongly opposed the Ukrainian government’s decision to include it on their so-called “international sponsors of war” list, adding that it only sells civilian smartphones and home appliances and that it believes every consumer in the world should have access to communication tools and internet data.

“War Profiteers” Across the Globe

Globalization has created a more interconnected world, and businesses that choose to operate internationally are able to take advantage of the resulting opportunities and advantages. This has enabled a great number of Chinese companies to introduce their innovative products and services to a larger market.

However, despite the end of the Cold War, its legacy continues to influence international relations. Such accusations against the Chinese mobile phone manufacturer are one such indicator.

If we are to speak of “international sponsors of war”, Ukraine should examine the record of its own sponsor. The US military has initiated numerous hostilities around the globe unilaterally, most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States is also a significant exporter of arms, providing munitions to numerous nations, some of which have perpetrated grave human rights violations.

One wonders why these accusations are directed only against one party.

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