Advice & Suggestions for Investing in Spanish Real Estate

Purchasing real estate is a difficult endeavor. It might be challenging for a foreigner to completely understand each country’s unique aspects, in addition to the legal procedures and difficulties that must be taken into account during the process. We have thus included our finest advice for a simple and profitable Spanish real estate investment in one post. We will examine the seven suggestions for investing so that you are happy with your choice in the end.

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How to choose areas and properties that offer the best value for the money

Perhaps the most crucial element among all those that characterize a successful buy is its location.

A key effect of the particular location is, thus, a variation in price per square meter, which is an important metric to consider when evaluating real estate options.

The cost per square meter varies significantly between regions and autonomous communities in Spain. This is the reason this may be the initial filter you try to locate the best offer with.

The regions with the highest prices per square meter are Extremadura, la Rioja, the Canary Islands, and Catalonia; the lowest costs are found in Murcia, la Rioja, and the Basque Country.

This research could assist you in eliminating a lot of regions and narrowing down to only two or three that truly meet your needs, but how can you locate the greatest houses in any given area?

Idealista, the largest real estate marketplace on the internet in Spain, is the ideal partner for this endeavor.

You can be certain that if you use Idealista, you won’t miss any fantastic deals because the great majority of houses for sale are posted there.

All you have to do using an extremely user-friendly interface is put in your desired city or location, then apply the various filters based on your tastes (like pricing, for example).

Recognize why you are purchasing.

However, the true reason or goal for which you are purchasing the property must also weigh heavily in your selection.

You have two choices in that regard: either purchase for future rental use or purchase for personal use, such as a place to live or vacation.

What distinctions does this seem to make?

If you want to purchase the property with the intention of renting it out later, you could choose properties that are near major cities and the beach as you can charge a higher rent there; otherwise, it might be difficult to attract renters.

So, locations with easy access to public transit and close proximity to essential services (like large supermarkets, retail centers, etc.) are also essential for a successful rental in the future.

However, the quality of the structure would be even more crucial if you purchase the house for your own use.

Look around first, make the buy later

With top-notch photos and videos, a lot of real estate brokers and sellers these days provide really engaging online experiences.

You get the impression from those digital assets that you are genuinely in front of the home you want to buy, that you are prepared to make the purchase even if you are far away.

That is untrue, though.

Aside from the number of rooms in the house and the size of the kitchen, there are many other factors to take into account; the location and surrounds of the property are just a few of them.

Due to this, you should always arrive at the property’s location first. During your visit, you should take a stroll about, get a feel for the neighborhood, and pay attention to all the little things that add up and are ultimately what matter most.

Soon after, you will truly know how much the property is worth and whether buying it is the best decision for you.

Furthermore, if you choose the next legal route, as we shall show in a moment, you may accomplish the entire process with ease.

Acquire a Golden Visa.

Foreigners and real estate investors who buy property in Spain sometimes ask for the golden visa, which is a residence permit.

That’s because, as long as your home purchase is worth at more than €500,000, you will be granted a resident permit that will allow you to work and bring your family with you.

And it is true that it has a lot of benefits.

First, you can get it by traveling to the nation as a tourist. In other words, you may acquire a tourist visa, visit Spain to view a few houses you had on your “wishlist,” buy the property of your choice, and thereafter receive a golden visa for permanent residence. without at any point leaving the nation.

Once you have it, as long as you maintain the real estate investment, you will be able to maintain and extend your Spanish residency annually. And you may do so as long as you only make a yearly visit to the nation (there is no minimum stay requirement like there is with other licenses).

Possibly the most crucial aspect for numerous investors is that the necessary half-million real estate valuation does not have to originate from a single property.

For instance, you may purchase three residences in total, live in one, and rent the other two. As long as the three properties’ combined value exceeds €500k, you will be allowed to live there.

Trust a real estate professional to help you save money.

To save a little more money on your purchase, you might be thinking about eliminating the additional expenses that using an intermediary entails.

However, that might not be a suggested course of action for two key reasons.

To begin with, hiring a real estate professional may save you money. She will help you locate the greatest bargains and walk you through the entire process step by step. She is not simply someone who is familiar with the region and all the hidden features that a foreigner cannot notice.

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that in Spain, the seller often covers the cost of the real estate fee, so as a buyer, you might not have to pay for the service while still benefiting from it.

Naturally, next make an effort to locate trustworthy real estate brokers; a business with sufficient qualifications and references to provide their undivided attention to your situation.

Here at Balcells Group, we can assist you with every aspect of your real estate investment and guarantee a smooth and pleasant transaction.

Take care of any outstanding debt.

In several instances, our firm has discovered that a foreign buyer thought they were getting a great bargain and struck a price with the seller; but, later on, they discovered that the property had some unpaid debt, which increased the ultimate cost and rendered the agreement less favorable.

All property-related obligations that were not paid at the time of purchase pass to the buyer in Spanish territory.

Mortgage payments, real estate taxes, and other associated expenses are being discussed.

It is thus important that you verify those before proceeding with your investment selection and figure out the overall cost taking into account all of the expenses we will cover in the next section.

Investing Fundamentals Described With Investment Types

Describe an Investment.

An asset or thing purchased with the intention of earning income or appreciating in value is called an investment. An asset’s value increasing over time is referred to as appreciation. When someone buys an item as an investment, they want to utilize it to generate money in the future rather than to use it now.

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When making an investment, one must always use some kind of resource today, such as time, money, effort, or an item, with the goal of earning a larger payout later on. An investor could, for instance, buy a financial asset today with the expectation that it will increase in value or be sold for a profit at a later date.

How Investments Operate

The purpose of investing is to increase value over time and provide income. Any method for producing revenue in the future might be referred to as an investment. Buying bonds, equities, or real estate property are a few instances of this. Buying a piece of land with the potential to create things is also regarded as an investment.

Generally speaking, any activity done with the intention of generating income in the future qualifies as an investment. For instance, increasing information and developing abilities are frequently the objectives of deciding to pursue further education. Hopefully, the initial financial outlay for tuition and time spent in class will pay off in higher income later in the student’s career.

An investment always carries a certain amount of risk since it is focused on the possibility of future growth or revenue. An investment may lose value over time or fail to produce any income at all. For instance, one of the businesses you invest in could fail. On the other hand, there might not be a lot of jobs available in your field of study after spending time and money to earn your degree.

An investment bank offers both individuals and companies a wide range of services, many of which are intended to help them achieve financial independence. A particular branch of banking that deals with raising cash for other businesses, governments, and other organizations is known as investment banking. Investment banks assist in the selling of securities, underwrite new debt and equity securities for all kinds of firms, and promote mergers and acquisitions.

Investment Types

There are undoubtedly many possibilities to invest; for example, changing the tires on your car might be considered an upgrade that will increase the asset’s utility and future worth. The popular investment categories listed below are used by people to increase their capital.


A portion of ownership in a public or private corporation is represented by a share of stock. An investor may be eligible to receive dividend payments from the company’s net profit if they hold stock. Its value may also increase and it may be possible to sell it for a profit when the business expands and more investors want to purchase its shares.

Preferred stock and ordinary stock are the two main categories of equities in which to invest. Voting rights and eligibility to participate in certain things are frequently associated with common stock. Dividends on preferred shares must be paid out prior to those on common stock and frequently have first claim.

Furthermore, equities are frequently categorized as value or growth investments. Purchasing growth stocks involves investing in a business when it is still in its infancy and before it sees significant success on the market. Purchasing value stocks involves making an investment in a more established firm whose stock price may not reflect the true worth of the business.

Fixed-income securities and bonds

A bond is an investment that typically requires a one-time payment up front and periodic payments over the bond’s duration. Following that, the investor gets their money back from the bond’s maturity. Bond investments are a way for some businesses to raise money, much like debt. Many businesses and government agencies issue bonds, which investors may purchase to receive a return.

A coupon payment is the periodic sum that bondholders receive. A bond investment’s yield is frequently affected by price fluctuations since the coupon payment is typically set. For instance, if there are market chances to earn 6%, it will become less expensive to purchase a 5% bond; hence, the bond will naturally give a greater yield due to its decline in price.

Mutual funds and index funds

Index funds, mutual funds, and other funds combine several assets into a single investment vehicle, eliminating the need to choose individual companies to participate in. Rather than having to independently investigate and choose each firm, an investor can purchase shares of a single mutual fund that has ownership of small size, developing market companies.

While index funds are frequently administered passively, mutual funds are actively managed by a company. This indicates that, unlike index funds, which frequently strive to merely replicate or mimic a benchmark, the investing experts managing the mutual fund are attempting to outperform a particular benchmark. Because of this, investing in mutual funds may be more expensive than in more passively structured funds.


Investing in real estate often refers to purchasing actual, physical areas that may be used. It is possible to construct structures on land, occupy office buildings, store merchandise in warehouses, and house families in residential properties. Investing in real estate might involve buying ready-to-occupy operational locations or creating sites for particular purposes.

In some situations, the term “real estate” may refer generally to certain kinds of investments that might produce commodities. An investor may, for instance, purchase farmland, which yields a return dependent on operational revenue and crop output in addition to the increase of the land’s value.

Goods and Services

Raw materials like metals, energy, and agriculture are examples of commodities. Investing in physical commodities such as gold bars is one option available to investors; alternatively, they can select investment instruments that symbolize digital ownership such as gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Since commodities are frequently employed as inputs by society, they might be considered investments. Think about gas, oil, or other energy sources. Businesses sometimes require more energy during times of economic expansion in order to move more goods or produce more things. Additionally, because of travel, customers can need energy more than usual. In this case, an investor may profit from fluctuations in the price of commodities.

Principal Motives for Real Estate Investing

Purchasing real estate has a lot of advantages. Investors can benefit from good returns, tax benefits, diversity, and regular cash flow with carefully selected assets. Real estate can also be used to create wealth.

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Considering making a real estate investment? What you should know about the advantages of real estate and the reasons it’s regarded as a wise investment is provided here.

Cash Movement

The net revenue from a real estate investment after operational costs and mortgage payments are deducted is known as cash flow. The potential of real estate investing to provide cash flow is a major advantage. In many situations, cash flow only becomes better with time as you increase your equity and pay down your mortgage.

Tax Benefits and Incentives

Several tax benefits and deductions are available to real estate investors, which can result in financial savings come tax season. The reasonable expenses of owning, running, and maintaining a property are often deductible.


The three main sources of revenue for real estate investors are appreciation, rental income, and any earnings from businesses reliant on the property. When the time comes to sell, you might make money if you make a wise investment because real estate values often rise over time. Over time, rents also have a tendency to climb, which might result in increased cash flow.

The median house price in the United States since 1963 is displayed in this graph from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The regions that are gray-shaded represent US recessions.

Develop Wealth and Equity

Equity is an asset that you accumulate and contribute to your net worth when you pay off a mortgage on real estate. Additionally, when equity grows, you have the leverage to purchase additional real estate, which boosts wealth and cash flow even further.

Diversification of Portfolios

The possibility for diversification that comes with real estate investing is another advantage. When compared to other main asset classes, real estate has a poor correlation, sometimes even a negative one. Accordingly, adding real estate can increase return per unit of risk and reduce portfolio volatility in a portfolio of diverse assets.

Leverage in Real Estate

The use of different financial instruments or borrowed resources, such as debt, to raise the possible return on an investment is known as leverage. Leverage is the ability to obtain 100% of the house you wish to buy with a 20% down payment on a mortgage, for example. Real estate is a physical asset that is easily financed since it may be used as collateral.

Competitive Returns with Adjusted Risk

Returns on real estate can differ based on a number of variables, including asset type, location, and management. Nevertheless, beating the S&P 500’s average returns—what many refer to as “the market”—is a goal for many investors.

The Inflation Hedge

The positive correlation between GDP growth and the demand for real estate is the source of real estate’s capacity to hedge against inflation. Rents rise in response to the demand for real estate as economies grow. Consequently, this results in increased capital values. Therefore, by transmitting some of the inflationary pressure to renters and integrating some of the inflationary pressure in the form of capital gain, real estate tends to retain the purchase power of capital.

Trusts for Real Estate Investments (REITs)

You might want to think about a real estate investment trust (REIT) if you want to invest in real estate but aren’t yet ready to take the risk of buying and managing properties. Traded REITs are available for purchase and sale on major stock markets. You may enter and exit a position fast because many trade at a high volume. REITs usually give greater dividends than many equities since they are required to distribute 90% of their revenue to investors.

Indirect Real Estate Investing: What Is It?

Direct ownership of a property or properties is not involved in indirect real estate investing. Rather, you participate in a pool with other investors in which a management business either owns and manages a portfolio of mortgages or owns and operates buildings.

How Can Inflation Be Hedged by Real Estate?

Real estate ownership offers numerous options to stave off inflation. First, capital gains might result from property prices increasing faster than the rate of inflation. Secondly, investment properties’ rentals have the potential to rise in tandem with inflation. Lastly, the proportionate monthly mortgage payment amount for properties financed with a fixed-rate loan will decrease over time. For example, a $1,000 monthly fixed payment will become less difficult as inflation reduces the $1,000’s buying power.

Is the Property I Live in My Main Residence an Investment?

Since a main house serves as a person’s primary abode, it is frequently not seen as a real estate investment. However, it is possible to make money if you sell your house for more money than you originally paid for it. Furthermore, you could have to pay taxes on those earnings if this does occur.

The Final Word

There are disadvantages to real estate investment in spite of all of its advantages. Lack of liquidity, or the relative difficulty of turning an asset into cash and cash into an asset, is one of the primary ones. A real estate deal may take months to finalize, in contrast to a stock or bond transaction, which may be finished in a matter of seconds. Finding the ideal counterparty might take weeks of labor, even with a broker’s assistance.

Nevertheless, real estate is a unique asset class that is easy to comprehend and may improve the portfolio’s risk-and-return profile for investors. Real estate by itself provides a buffer against inflation, tax benefits, equity development, competitive risk-adjusted returns, and cash flow. Real estate, whether you invest in real properties or REITs, may also improve a portfolio by reducing volatility via diversity.

How Investing in a Home Elevator Can Increase Home Value

The need for house elevators has been rising over the past several years as more and more homeowners become aware of their many advantages. Home elevators not only provide accessibility and convenience, but they may also raise the value of your house considerably. We’ll look at the various ways a home elevator might raise the value of your house in this post.

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Improving Convenience and Accessibility

Due to its increased convenience and accessibility, homeowners use residential elevators. An elevator makes it unnecessary to climb steps, which is convenient for elderly people, people with limited mobility, and people who are carrying large objects. The ability to move between levels with ease might prove to be a valuable selling feature for prospective purchasers down the road.

Using a house elevator for effortless floor-to-floor access

For those with restricted mobility, a house elevator provides easy floor-to-floor transportation, doing away with the need to climb stairs. Furthermore, having accessibility makes things easier for everyday tasks as well as for hosting guests with special requirements.

Increasing Usability and Living Space with a Houselift

By boosting living space and utility, adding a residential elevator adds value. All levels are made conveniently accessible and usable, including basements and higher stories. Prospective purchasers looking for flexibility for multigenerational living or home offices will find this appealing because it allows for customization to meet their specific demands.

Using a house elevator to Unlock Your house’s Complete Potential

The potential of your property is maximized with a house elevator, providing flexible use. You may maximize space footage by converting a basement, upper floor, or attic, which appeals to purchasers looking for flexible and roomy residences.

Using a home elevator to increase safety and future-proof a home

In addition to offering a practical means of transportation between levels, residential elevators can serve to improve house security. A house elevator creates a safer environment for people who prefer to age in place or for those with restricted mobility by lowering the danger of falls on stairs. Long-term planners or prospective purchasers who are worried about safety may find this feature to be quite appealing. Installing a home elevator can draw in purchasers looking for a property that can grow with them and demonstrate your dedication to future-proofing your house.

Using a home lift for safe and dependable vertical transportation

Safety is the main consideration in the design of home elevators. Strong handrails, non-slip flooring, backup power sources, and emergency communication systems are some of the characteristics they have. Because of these features, homeowners and potential purchasers may rest easy knowing that the elevator is a safe way to move about the house. Emphasizing your house lift’s safety features may greatly increase its appeal and worth.

Chic and Adaptable Patterns

The days of elevators being only useful and unattractive are long gone. These days, home elevators come in fashionable styles that complement the interior decor of your house while showcasing your own preferences. Contemporary home elevators are available in a range of finishes, materials, and customizable choices, so you may select a style that goes well with your current interior design. This adaptability raises the value of your house and provides a visually appealing element that may act as a focus point and improve the atmosphere of your living area as a whole.

The Elevator as a Headliner

A well-thought-out residential elevator may become the center of attention and infuse your home’s interior with a touch of elegance and class. Choosing sleek glass panels, sophisticated wood treatments, or modern metal accents turns your elevator into a focal point that improves the overall look of your house. Sophisticated house elevators add a distinctive touch and meticulous attention to detail that will appeal to discriminating consumers.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Residential elevators have changed to suit these expectations as energy efficiency and sustainability have become more important topics. Nowadays, a lot of manufacturers provide energy-efficient house elevator choices that make use of cutting-edge technology like LED lights and regenerative motors. Because they use less energy, these environmentally friendly features not only lessen their negative effects on the environment but also save money over time. Emphasizing the energy-efficient features of your house elevator will draw consumers that value sustainability and are concerned about the environment.

Eco-Friendly Design

Energy-saving parts and sophisticated technologies used in home elevators reduce energy waste and maximize efficiency. Regenerative drives, which are included into the elevator, enable it to capture energy during descent and transform it into electrical power that can be used, so lowering total energy usage. Promoting your house elevator’s environmentally friendly design will help you draw in customers who respect sustainable living and the long-term savings it provides.