Kemi Badenoch is criticized by a prominent Brexiteer in a dispute over the repeal of EU laws 2023

As a dispute between the minister and backbench Conservative MPs grew more heated, a prominent Brexiteer from the Conservative Party asserted that Kemi Badenoch did not intend to eliminate anything “material” as part of the Government’s “bonfire” of EU-era rules.

Former Cabinet member Sir John Redwood blasted the Business and Trade Secretary after the Government backtracked on its pledge to finish repealing thousands of laws by the end of the year.

In a U-turn that has prompted a ferocious backlash among Tory Eurosceptics, just about 600 legislation would be repealed as opposed to the 4,000 that were first promised.

Top Brexiteer criticizes Kemi Badenoch over EU legislation axing.

“I don’t think she [Ms. Badenoch] wants to get rid of anything material,” Sir John said to TalkTV. I have examined her list in the proposed amendment, and almost everything on it is either not applicable to Britain, has passed its expiration date, or was created for a specific reason that has since been fulfilled.

“We want some decent things that will make life better because it will take out cost, needless regulation, or needless tax imposition.”

His remarks followed Ms. Badenoch’s description of her Conservative opponents as “people who talk but can’t do” over the subject.

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