Iran’s UN Envoy Claims UCMs Obstruct War on Terrorism 2023

Iran’s UN ambassador said Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) hamper international terrorist cooperation.
Saeed Iravani told the third UN High-Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States in New York that counterterrorism requires comprehensive strategies that take into account cultural, political, social, economic, security, and intelligence dimensions.

His speech:

God, the Merciful, Compassionate.

Mr. Chair,

Please accept my thanks for your session leadership and presentation.

Mr. Chair, esteemed colleagues.

Twenty years before 9/11, the MKO terrorist gang killed almost 17,000 innocent Iranians, including women and children. As we approach June 28, this terrorist group assassinated the Iranian Head of Judiciary and dozens of high-ranking officials, including parliamentarians, twenty years ago.

Two months later, they killed the then-president and prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran. MKO caused unimaginable devastation, but several Western nations ignored and harbored them.

In assessing the terrorist environment and trends, we should consider how double standards encourage terrorism and increase the possibility of recurrence. We further reiterate that fighting terrorism involves non-politicized, non-discriminatory, non-selective actions.

Dear coworkers,

The Islamic Republic of Iran has shown its sincere commitment to battling terrorism by aiding States afflicted by terrorism in defeating and decreasing terrorist groups in the area, especially DAESH, which committed heinous terrorist deeds. General Qassem Soleimani helped defeat a terrorist outfit that would have spread terrorism outside the area. He was killed in a Baghdad airport terrorist assault while on an official mission.

Despite its demise, DAESH still poses a threat. DAESH’s recruiting of mercenaries, together with Afghanistan’s instability and foreign troops’ illegal presence, has contributed to its comeback. We must redouble our efforts to prevent this terrorist outfit from operating freely.

Mr. Chair,

Counterterrorism tactics must consider cultural, political, social, economic, security, and intelligence factors. We must remember that Unilateral Coercive Measures hamper international cooperation in battling terrorism. Thus, “economic terrorism” must halt.

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