Eric Adams accused of politicizing JFK Airport migrant housing 2023

A Long Island Republican congressman accused New York City Mayor Eric Adams of playing politics and disturbing his tour of a John F. Kennedy International Airport facility housing hundreds of adult illegal males.

First-term Nassau County congressman Anthony D’Esposito, whose district borders JFK, was denied admission Thursday for an official facilities walk-through.

After 800 illegal males crossed the U.S.-Mexico border, the city rented an empty one-room warehouse from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to keep them on airport property.

Don’t care. “It’s politics,” D’Esposito said. “You have someone from the federal government who sits on both the House Homeland Security and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committees, both heavily concerned with the border, immigration, the FAA, and our transportation centers… It offends.”

Last week, D’Esposito and others opposed the mayor’s plan to house immigrant men at this location after dozens of counties upstate refused to take in tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who arrived in New York City over the past year expecting the “sanctuary zone” to welcome and provide for them.

When hundreds of convicts were transported Wednesday, federal senator D’Esposito was denied entry.

D’Esposito said the mayor’s staff canceled the facilities tour last minute.

D’Esposito talked with Port Authority, FAA, TSA, and CBP personnel outside the facility. Airport offices.

Government officials painted a bleak picture of life in the warehouse and said the men were detained in violation of the city’s human care requirements for homeless organizations. Just cots.

He noticed hundreds of males must take turns using portable toilets and showers. The city outsourced three daily dinners.

The facility is on restricted territory, therefore the city has dispatched buses to move the guys to an unknown place off-site. D’Esposito said any New Yorker would struggle to navigate such a large airport, let alone a non-English speaker seeking permanent housing and employment.

Federal authorities told the congressman they were not involved and had not been given resident identities.

D’Esposito stated, “They do not have the identifications of the individuals who are at JFK.” “Everyone on the property has some concerns about foot traffic that could potentially occur.”

Two NYPD-marked policemen inspected the warehouse.

“This isn’t a political issue,” D’Esposito said. US issue. He should invite everyone to parties to fix his problems.”

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