Chinese ambassador urges Ukraine political settlement 2023

On Monday, a Chinese diplomat urged an urgent political solution to the Ukraine situation.

Ukraine situation continues. The humanitarian catastrophe and its repercussions persist. Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN, urged the international community should work together to de-escalate the dispute and end hostilities.

He told a Security Council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine that civilians should be protected first.

Nuclear weapons and conflict should never be employed.

We urge maximal moderation and avoiding words and actions that might escalate conflict and lead to miscalculations. China supports the International Atomic Energy Agency director-general in communicating with Russia and Ukraine and protecting civilian nuclear sites.”

Third, Zhang advised managing conflict reaction spillover consequences.

All nations must work together to stabilize global agricultural, energy, and financial markets amid increased recession concerns. He argued that unilateral sanctions and ever-expanding long-arm jurisdiction have had grave humanitarian implications and damaged global economic and supply linkages.

The US and other relevant nations should reflect on their actions, quickly change course, and help emerging nations expand their economies and improve livelihoods. He advised against economic coercion and falsely accusing other nations of it.

Fourth, and most importantly, the political settlement of the problem requires the greatest haste, added Zhang.

complicated challenges require complicated solutions. Dialogue and talks must resume to begin any meaningful solution. He advised all sides to foster conversation and talks rather than stoking tensions to profit.

China has consistently promoted peace negotiations in Ukraine. China’s special envoy on Eurasian issues, Li Hui, is visiting Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, and Russia to discuss the Ukraine crisis’s political resolution. He said China will engage with the international community to resolve the problem politically.

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