A virtual moving estimate: what is it?

From the comfort of your home, you may remotely inventory the objects you want to transfer by using a virtual or video moving survey. Providing your inventory and getting a quote for your relocation may be done much more quickly and easily using this method. You may save the trouble of bringing guests into your house and showing them around by just using a smartphone or tablet.

Read More: Video Survey for Moving Estimates


In only a few minutes, this simple process is completed. Virtual surveys are only conducted for homes with three bedrooms or more when you phone MTC Removals & Storage to get a moving quotation. This makes it much simpler to only do a video survey so that we can give you a precise estimate.

This is a detailed explanation on how to use a virtual survey.

1. First, set up the virtual survey.

We will arrange a virtual moving survey at a time that is convenient for you if you are relocating a three-bedroom home or larger and are dealing with our moving expert over the phone or over email. An email confirming the time, date, and application you must download—RingCentral Meetings—will be sent to you.

Step 2: Get ready for the meeting

You will get a meeting ID five minutes before to the start of the virtual survey. Use this ID to log in to the online meeting via your application.


Your moving adviser will invite you to begin the virtual tour room by room, bringing with you everything you want to move into your new house.

Step 4: Double-check everything.

The moving expert will review your inventory one more time and enter everything into the system just to be sure.


After consulting with our staff, a moving specialist will review everything and get back to you with a quote soon.

If you’d like, you may schedule your relocation once you’ve received your estimate. It is feasible for our staff to provide you an estimate quickly thanks to this easy, uncomplicated approach.



Our consumers’ convenience is our top priority. You may do virtual surveys from a distance using a tablet or mobile device at any time of day that works for you. It might be hard to arrange for an in-home estimator to visit your home; you could have to miss significant occasions or take days off from work.


Because virtual surveys are completed more quickly, we can provide you a moving quotation earlier.


The quality and precision of video surveys are equivalent to those of in-home estimations. Throughout the entire process, you will be able to ask questions and discuss any specifics about your inventory with our moving specialist via video chat.

Quote without obligation.

The best part about virtual moving surveys is that you may use them without having to schedule a move and they are totally free. We are here to assist you and provide you the precise and timely information you want.

To make moving easier for our clients, MTC Removals & Storage is always looking for fresh approaches. Get in touch with us if you’re relocating, and we’ll get you a moving quotation in a matter of minutes!

How Does a Virtual Phone Number Operate and What Is It?

With virtually any internet-connected device, you may have conversations with anybody anywhere in the globe at any time by utilizing a virtual phone number. Thus, it makes sense that the popularity of online phone numbers is rising. Virtual phone numbers provide a layer of anonymity and flexible communication choices, which are important considerations for many professionals.

Read More: Virtual Phone Number Apps

This post explains virtual phone numbers, their many benefits, and how to acquire one for your company. It also discusses the potential of receiving a virtual phone number for free.

The Operation of a Virtual Phone Number

It is not appropriate to think of virtual phone numbers in the same manner as landline or smartphone numbers. These numbers come from the cloud and are connected to an existing phone number you already have. Because of this, using virtual phones is also known as cloud telephony.

Phone numbers are often associated with a particular device, such as a landline or cell phone. When you get an important call on a landline phone, you have to wait in one place. Even though smartphones are far superior, you still need to carry one around to be approachable. Whether working from home or touring the world, virtual phone lines allow you to stay connected without feeling confined to a certain place or gadget.

Internet Protocol Voice (VoIP)

Using a Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, service provider is one of the popular ways to obtain virtual phone numbers. You may use the internet to place and receive calls from any location with these cloud-based service providers. This service does have one drawback in that it depends on your device being online. It would be difficult to utilize your virtual phone service should the internet break down or not be available.

Virtual Phone Number Benefits

There are several advantages to using a virtual phone number, including more privacy and more reachable contact alternatives. The next sections go into further depth about these benefits.

Synced Interaction Between Several Devices

Virtual phone numbers have the major benefit of allowing you to always be reachable, wherever you may be. You may communicate with coworkers, clients, employees, and other people in a smooth manner using virtual service providers like RingCentral and Google Voice. With smartphones, tablets, computers, and other internet-capable gadgets, you may converse without restriction. are on different continents or inside the same structure.

In an era where more individuals than ever work remotely, companies don’t have to be concerned about a decline in trustworthy communication. The use of virtual phone numbers reduces the likelihood of missing calls since notifications are distributed to all network-connected devices. You are still easily accessible even if you have your laptop but have forgotten your phone.

Affordable Choice for Smaller Companies Seeking Cost Savings

With the correct provider, a small business that need a few lines monthly might not cost more than $100. However, communication expenses tend to soar when businesses get larger, hiring hundreds, thousands, or even millions of workers. Then account for several sites, maybe spanning several nations. All of a sudden, monthly phone bills may reach the thousands.

Whatever the size of the company, switching to a virtual phone number might result in significant phone expense savings. Using online numbers eliminates the need to purchase pricey multiline corded gear. You may be eligible for at least one free virtual phone number, depending on your service package. Furthermore, receiving calls inside the country is frequently free, while making international calls is reasonably priced.

A virtual phone number might be a much-needed low-cost answer for any size organization.

Retain a Certain Amount of Privacy

Not everyone feels at ease communicating with employers or business partners using their personal phone number. One attractive aspect is that virtual phone numbers may be connected to private phone numbers without sacrificing privacy. For lone owners who wish to operate a business while maintaining the privacy of their home phone numbers, this configuration can function incredibly well.

Work from Home and Travel

Approximately 69% of CEOs surveyed for the KPMG 2021 CEO Outlook indicated that they are moving toward a virtual workforce. The poll included 1,300 CEOs. Future company plans will likely include remote work, so having access to internet phone numbers and other virtual communication tools is a no-brainer.

As was already said, virtual phone numbers may free you from the burden of having to wait for calls in one place or cling to a single gadget in order to make sure you don’t miss a crucial call. Furthermore, the service’s virtual format makes it ideal for workers who travel regularly as well as distant businesses.

Availability of Sturdy Integrations and Services

Even though virtual phone service can be used for free, upgrade packages sometimes provide organizations some advantageous benefits. Virtual receptionists, calendar integrations, voicemail (and voicemail transcription), online faxing, and team chat capabilities are a few typical service features.

Popular services like Microsoft 365, Canvas, Salesforce, and Zendesk may also be able to be integrated. Teleconferencing services are also included in certain subscription options. Businesses may communicate more effectively and run more smoothly with the aid of these integrations and add-ons.

How to Obtain a Phone Number Virtually

It should please you to know that obtaining an internet number is a really easy procedure. Typically, in order to obtain a number, one must enroll in Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, service. For example, Google Voice provides all Google account holders with a free local number. Additionally, if you join up via Workspace, the company offers a number of worthwhile improvements for Voice.

Following your service selection and account creation, you will be prompted to transfer to an existing phone line or pick a new national number. From there, your service package may include vanity numbers or a range of toll-free numbers for your company.

Since benefits and add-ons differ from provider to provider, compare service plans to choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. See our guide to the top VoIP services for further details.

What are the implications of the metaverse and virtual reality for training?

The problem of upskilling

Companies have a conundrum: employees frequently need to enhance current skills, pick up new ones, or finish compliance training. However, the new reality of remote and hybrid employment has increased the difficulty of traditional, in-person upskilling. While they can’t cover all of the gaps, online and app-based courses can help. Therefore, how can employers address this issue?

Read More: VR soft skills training

The benefit of virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is well recognized for its ability to impart hard skills and provide lifelike simulations, including those for aircraft maintenance and pilots. Virtual reality, one of the many methods to access the metaverse, is becoming more and more popular as the metaverse expands. It was discovered that 51% of businesses either have VR integrated into at least one specific area of business or are currently in the process of doing so. “A more effective way to develop and train our people” is cited by 34% of respondents as one of the main advantages of the metaverse that they either presently experience or anticipate.

However, a lot of workers also need to pick up soft skills like resilience, leadership, and change management. It is frequently feasible to educate kids also through virtual reality and metaverse experiences, which is also very beneficial.

How effective is virtual reality as a tool for soft skill training?

With our research on virtual reality (VR) specifically created for soft skill training, we set out to address this challenge. The same inclusive leadership training was given to a sample of staff members from a group of new managers in 12 US locations. The training was delivered in three different ways: in-person, online, and via virtual reality (VR).

The outcome? According to the report, VR may assist company executives in upskilling their staff more quickly, especially in an era where in-person training may become less feasible and training expenditures may be reduced.

Five key conclusions about VR’s usefulness in soft skill development

1. VR training may expedite employee training by up to four times.

Employers must ensure that their employees make the most of their 1% workweek allotment to training and development, as this is a very small percentage for US workers. VR can be useful here.

With VR, it’s possible to learn something in as little as 30 minutes that would have taken two hours in the classroom. Even after taking into consideration the additional time required for new users to familiarize themselves with the VR headset, be fitted for it, and get training, V-learners still finish training three times quicker than classroom learners. Furthermore, the amount does not include the extra time needed for travel to and from the classroom. It only includes the time actually spent in the classroom.

2. VR students are more certain when putting what they’ve learned into practice.

Success while acquiring soft skills is greatly influenced by confidence. When faced with challenging situations, like having to provide unfavorable feedback to an employee, most individuals wish they could get practice managing it in a secure setting. They can using VR.

VR-based training boosts confidence and improves the capacity to apply the knowledge in the workplace since it allows for practice in an immersive, stress-free environment. In actuality, learners who received VR training showed an increase in confidence to apply what they had learned by up to 275%. This is a 40% improvement over classroom and a 35% improvement over e-learn instruction.

3. Workers have a stronger emotional connection to VR content

When emotions are engaged, people connect, comprehend, and remember things more fully. (We discovered this via the VR research and other BXT encounters, when we gathered various points of view and collaborated to determine what mattered most.) Through simulation-based learning in virtual reality, people can have a profound sense of fulfillment.

Compared to classroom learners, V-learners experienced an emotional connection to the subject that was 3.75 times higher, and 2.3 times higher than that of e-learners. The majority of students who responded to the poll stated that they experienced a “wake-up call” during the virtual reality course on diversity and inclusion, realizing that they were not as inclusive as they had previously believed.

4. VR students pay more attention

The students of today are frequently hurried, preoccupied, and overwhelmed. A lot of students will not watch a video through to the end, and one of the main sources of disruption and distraction in the classroom is cellphones.

Virtual reality learning greatly reduces user distraction. With a VR headset, the user’s vision and attention are controlled by simulations and immersive experiences. There aren’t any distractions or opportunities to multitask. Our research showed that employees using VR training were up to four times more attentive during training than their counterparts using e-learning and 1.5 times more concentrated than their peers in a classroom. Immersed in a virtual reality environment, learners are more likely to retain the material and perform better.

5. At scale, VR learning may be more affordable.

VR used to be prohibitively expensive, difficult to use, and limited to small groups. These days, a corporate headset ecosystem can be purchased for less than $1,000 one time. These devices may be used again for training purposes and are controlled similarly to other company mobile devices. While manufacturers are building software packages to allow non-VR developers to efficiently produce their own content, studios of all sizes are producing engaging content. Some major companies in learning management systems are facilitating the seamless integration of virtual reality material into their platforms.

When VR is used properly, its benefits are evident. According to our research, VR training is thought to be more cost-effective at scale than classroom or online instruction when it is provided to a sufficient number of learners. The initial cost of VR material can be up to 48% more than that of comparable classroom or online courses, therefore having a sufficient number of students is necessary to make this strategy financially viable. VR training reached cost parity with traditional classroom instruction at 375 learners. At 3,000 students, virtual reality training outperformed classroom instruction by 52%. VR training reached cost parity with e-learn at 1,950 learners. Your return on investment in terms of employee time saved during training, course facilitation, and other out-of-pocket costs will probably be higher the more people you teach.

We must involve everyone if virtual gynecological clinics are to remain a reality.

Virtual gynecological clinics were uncommon in the UK and most other nations prior to the COVID-19 epidemic. Telemedicine was quickly and widely implemented in hospitals across the United Kingdom as a result of the necessity to reorganize health care in order to care for COVID-19 patients, which also resulted in fewer people visiting hospitals and more mobility restrictions. This occurred without extensive interaction with healthcare providers and service consumers. Telemedicine is expected to persist to some degree beyond the epidemic. The authors provide the results of a nationwide study of 200 service consumers and healthcare professionals, as well as the implementation of virtual phone consultations in gynecology at a big teaching hospital in London. It is now crucial to conduct a thorough review of the results (clinician and patient experience) and to ensure that service users from underprivileged backgrounds do not suffer as a result.

Read More: Virtual Gynecology


The first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the United Kingdom, just like it did on the United States, with hospitals nearly full of COVID-19 cases. Gynecology outpatient services were suspended for a few weeks in March 2020 during the first wave, and patients were placed on a waiting list. Physicians were used to assist the obstetrical burden or the nursing staff in the intensive care unit.

Patients waiting for surgery for benign or malignant illnesses were kept on lengthy waiting lists without enough elective operating facilities available, which posed a severe threat to the health and well-being of the country.1. As of this writing, the UK’s ability to perform elective surgery has not been restored due to the pandemic. The clinical burden was increased by caring for women who were put on waiting lists and had medical concerns that needed to be treated, such menstruation abnormalities or pelvic discomfort. Furthermore, during the wait, conditions that affect women, such endometriosis and fibroids, were given more attention.2.

In order to prevent ambulatory patients from being exposed to COVID-19, hospitals had to reduce the number of visitors. As a result, waiting rooms were redesigned to allow for a 2-meter distance between patients, and visitors were not allowed. Hospitals were also reconfigured into a traffic light system of safety areas. Temperature checks and mask wearing were also implemented.

Prior to the pandemic, increasing the percentage of virtual visits was a stated health policy goal, and during the epidemic, this method of providing healthcare became a priority.3. Before the pandemic, gynecological virtual clinics were not prevalent in the UK National Health Service (NHS); in the United States, however, they were beginning to appear, but not widely (evaluated by Dorn et al4).

In the summer of 2020, a quick study revealed that telemedicine was used in gynecology in Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia. However, there were no reports of gynecological telemedicine from Asia, South America, or Africa. The clinical activities that were evaluated comprised management, assessment, and counseling.5.

In order to lower the risk of transmission within the healthcare system and promote adherence to government guidelines on social distancing and “stay at home” while still providing services, there was a widespread recognition during the pandemic of the need to increase the number of remote consultations (and decrease the number of in-person consultations). An attempt was made to offer one-stop clinics where endometrial biopsies and scanning could be done. In a timely manner, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists offered helpful advice.Six

While media and officials touted the revolutionary possibilities of video appointments, the majority of service users (SUs) had little choice but to arrange telephone appointments.7. At the height of the epidemic, this strategy could have been appropriate, but it was used quickly and often without sufficient support, direction, screening, or patient choice. Virtual appointments need to be scrutinized to see what worked and what didn’t in order to make them “work” in the future.

The authors talked about a short survey that was conducted in early 2021 in light of the pandemic experience in their gynecological unit, as well as current guidelines and research. Strategies for enhancing telemedicine in gynecology were emphasized, along with areas that require more research.

A virtual private server, or VPS, is what?

On a physical server that is owned and managed by a cloud or web hosting provider, a virtual private server, or VPS, functions as an isolated, virtual environment. Virtualization technology is used in VPS hosting to divide a single physical computer into many resource-sharing private server environments.

Read More: VPS Pakistan

Are you prepared to give it a try? Free $300 credit is offered to new users on Google Cloud, which includes Compute Engine, the tool that allows you to build and operate virtual machines on Google’s network.

Definition of a virtual private server

A virtual private server, or VPS, is a virtual system that shares a real server with other customers and offers virtualized server resources. Dedicated server space with allocated resources is what VPS hosting provides, giving you more flexibility and customization than shared hosting.

How are VPSs operated?

A virtual private server (VPS) mimics the hosting environment of a dedicated server, even if you share a single physical server with other customers. Your hosting provider partitions the actual server’s operating system (OS) into virtual compartments by installing a hypervisor, or virtual layer, on top of it. Each of these compartments may operate independently of the others thanks to this layer, which enables each to run its own operating system and applications.

Your resources are assured, even though you are theoretically sharing them with other people. A certain quantity is allotted to your VPS upon payment, and it cannot be utilized by any other account.

Dedicated vs. virtual private servers

It’s critical to comprehend the many kinds of web hosting services that are offered before attempting to comprehend the distinctions between a virtual private server and a dedicated server.

Shared hosting

When several users share a single physical server and all of its resources, this is known as shared hosting. The processing power and memory of your website, however, might be impacted by the demands of other users because you are not allotted a fixed quantity of resources.

Dedicated hosting

On the other hand, dedicated hosting offers a whole physical server with all of its resources set aside just for your company. Everything is completely under your control, including the operating system, hardware, and customized server software.

VPS web hosting

In between dedicated and shared hosting is where VPS hosting lies. In contrast to shared hosting, your VPS is given a set quantity of resources. You may also benefit from several features of dedicated hosting, such as root access control, your own operating system, and server apps, at a lower cost.

To better clarify the distinctions between a VPS and a dedicated server, let’s use the following analogy:

Reserving a private room at a restaurant to commemorate a special occasion, such as your birthday, is analogous to using a VPS server. You may enjoy a private dining area that can be tailored to your needs, as opposed to sharing a table with other customers at the main restaurant (shared servers).

You receive all the chairs, tables, plates, and silverware your guests will need, and you are free to arrange them anyway you like. You can ask for an alternative menu or drink special, allowing your guests to customize their orders to suit their preferences. But you have to share the staff, the kitchen, and other facilities with other guests.

Hiring a caterer and event business and renting out a full venue are similar to hiring a dedicated server. It will be incredibly expensive, but you will have total control over every detail and all the resources will be earmarked only for your group of visitors.