Orbán: European politics requires individuals ‘who want something’ 2023

After having discussions with Santiago Abascal, the head of Spain’s Vox party, in Budapest on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stated that European politics need individuals “who want something, who still have the energy, dedication, and passion.”

According to Orbán, Europe is steadily losing its ability to compete as a result of the growing quantity of “blah-blah” in European politics, which consists of assertions that are made over and over again without being followed by any action.

Those who have similar worldviews have an obligation to collaborate; he went on to say that the collaboration between Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party and Vox had been verified during the discussions with Abascal.

“We would also like to see a turn to the right in Europe.”

Abascal emphasized the importance of collaboration amongst those who advocate for a Europe that is significantly more powerful.

He stated that he had the utmost contempt for the “persecution and blackmail” that Brussels had engaged in against Hungary.

According to what he claimed, “ideological discrimination is the real danger to European unity.” It is presently Hungary and Poland that are the center of attention, but in the next instant, bureaucrats in Brussels might turn their attention to any other nation, he warned. This has the potential to set a precedent.

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